Again, VeloCache has brought me joy and diversion on an otherwise practiced commute. This time I stopped by Ye Olde Boat, which I believe was put on land to let passersby and sightseers know that there's an ocean nearby. It was raining, too, which made the scavenging all the more adventurous.
Now had it not been raining, I might have explored the vessel a bit more, but for the stormy skies I ventured but an arm over her edge to reach for the cache.
And treasures ahoy! I found myself Hamm's enough to drown a lass, and a left hand's flaskful in case of squall. And let's not forget a visibility vest, arm warmers, and a reflective choker for the wearing, and some stickers too. Arrrr!
To close, a joke by Kris: What do you call a stuttering pirate?
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