All right Enuff Z'nuff. Let's get after that cache, shall we?
Velocaches In Play
#4 FOUND! Awaiting pictures...go to and register a complaint!

Thursday, June 11, 2009
#18 Sandin' ev'ry 'rifice
So it seems that a certain someone mashed a velocache and then skipped town for Africa of all places, leaving me to repay the gods. Well two can play at that game, so I stashed one of my own on my way out of town for some wedding, rafting, and mtb in the motherland. Never have you been so excited to trudge through so much for so little gain.
Librals are rueing are fun
OK so now you are all turned around again, but I can't blame you for being intrigued.
Especially by this sweet tag. I for one am intimidated by that walking donut. And by intimidated I mean "let's go out to the lobby, to get ourselves some snacks!"
All right Enuff Z'nuff. Let's get after that cache, shall we?
Walk up this. OR, if you're not a total sandbag ride it.
Don't try to tell me that all of the iceplant and sand looks the same, 'cause I AINT HEARING IT
Just head at that nob
And git' ta diggin!
All right Enuff Z'nuff. Let's get after that cache, shall we?
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So, this is what you meant when you said you had "running around to do before your trip"
If you come through Les Bois, you REALLY should look us up.
got it!
Les Bois - I had grand visions of leaving a olive branch or perhaps a sixer of Kokanee Glacier Beer at a secret location, but got distracted by all of the wedding festivities, mtb riding, and rafting. Based on the good times I always have there, there may be another chance.
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