Always do sober what you say you'll do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. -Ernest Hemingway
You will need:
1. a bike
2. a camera
3. computer access with internet
1. feast your eyes on the VELOCACHE you wish to find.
2. go find it.
3. take pictures that match the perspective of the original VELOCACHE post, a picture of you and your bike and the cache as well. NO ZOOMING. ZOOM KILLS PERSPECTIVE.
4. score what is stashed at VELOCACHE.
5. go back to your computer and post a comment under the VELOCACHE you have found ( or e-mail that you have found it) and send the images/find to:
6. revel in your victory and go set one up for someone else!
7. If you want to deploy your own velocache, contact us and we can get you going.
I thought the courts forbid you from being less than 200 meters from a marine mammal?
Once I return from a long weekend in Yosemite I will strike like my name was Sly McFly.
are you taunting me?
Whatever it takes.
So, did someone grab them? By the time I could ride in they were gone .... I'm bummed....its the only Ham I can eat....
Some keen eyed hobo beat you to it, I guess. It's alright. I know where they have whole 24 packs.
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