Velocaches In Play

#4 FOUND! Awaiting pictures...go to and register a complaint!




Thursday, December 15, 2011

#48: Obviously, you're not a frolfer

So I went out on Tuesday morning to plant a velocache, and the weather was all like this: was all for naught b/c my camera had no memory card in it, so I had to do the same ride this morning, when the weather was all like this:

 When Posdnuos said "woe is me, to the third degree" he was clearly talking about me.

On to the velocache......
I was too busy looking at my wet feet to see this huge hawk before it took off

good place to rest a bike

Medieval torture garden? Probably

Frat house discovers letters; you can discover treasure in the woods to the west
view from above, looking west

optional slack line, ride your bike here for an extra velobuck

hidden treasure

make sure to get REAL familiar with the poison oak from this viewpoint. exact picture or it doesn't count


reverend dick said...

I have no idea where that is. Cuz I'm NOT a frolfer.


Over by Dod? Whatevs, I's bein outta tha race until the 1stish...

Anonymous said...

FOUND! Been waiting since Oct for one.