Velocaches In Play

#4 FOUND! Awaiting pictures...go to and register a complaint!




Friday, December 30, 2011


Bekahsaurus and Captain Fox finally found our first velocache!

{editor's note:WELCOME NEWCOMERS!}

We saw the chalk writing in the bunker by the beach in Oct. and we've been keeping an eye online since.
Knew where one was but my bike was out of commission so couldn't get it.

We set out for CSUMB because the frat clue and the Frolf goal.
I had an idea where it might be and I figured I'd see the wire structures.

Sure enough, off in the distance I see the big Z above the trees.

{editor's note: LOL at the exact photo was the oak?}

{editor's note: captain Fox, we assume?}

{editor's note: DANG! I would love to have some explosive power. I slept on this one too long...}
The beers were ice cold and the M80s will be put to good use.

We're getting a velocache ready, but having trouble deciding where to put it.
{editor's note: put it someplace cool we don't know about}

1 comment:

Lord Hayden said...

Play, and then replay, or the whole thing dies. Stash some grub somewhere (anywhere!) Bekahsaurus and Captain Fox!!!!