Spring break had begun, and birds were chirping. Clouds floated lazily ahead, and we were mad on the hunt for piles of discarded boards. They were spotted remarkably near to the school, and in fact just a few paces from where my students had gleefully id'ed rodent skulls, reptile spines, and coyote dung full of fur.

While the building itself wasn't exactly child-safe (it featured a mysterious 10-foot deep hole) or horse-friendly (feed trough was rusted durn through), the cache was well protected from all but he who knew where the beer had been placed. Evidently these things have shorter half-lives than advertised.
The cache featured a lonely beer, home decor for porcine aficionados, a cap, some recyclables good for a nickel each, and a handbook for healthy anger enjoyment.

This guy says we now owe the Velocache karma gods something like six gajillion stashed caches. Or else.
1 comment:
That hole was placed for human waste.
That shed that now is full of mouses
Was one of the Fort's shithouses.
Beers have been known to escape under such conditions.
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